Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Nothing Is Wasted.
Everyone has a different and unique way, in which, they are able to find that peace within a storm.
Life has a way of producing challenges that seem to require continual growth. Which virtually means that at no time am I ever going to graduate I will always be a student in this life.

letting go of the past can be one of the most difficult things  ever done in  life ... there were a lot of good times, but entwined in those were also some very bad times ... 
It becomes clear that if we continued to hold onto the past, (to hold onto the past was to re-live it) ... we would not be able to move forward to find new life.
Letting go is difficult ... we found a comfort zone of sorts ... we had no 'faith' in change ... 'change' meant we had to get off our butt and do something, we didn't like that idea ...   

In time, hopefully, it may dawn on you to be grateful to have lived to experience it ... 

I may not always get it right but as long as I strive for progress, and not perfection, I don't believe I could ever really go wrong. 

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